Quick answer:
Would you want to know if someone hit your car? Of course you would. So try to stick around to wait for the owner to come return. If you have to run, leave a note with your contact info and where you made contact with their car (and your insurance info if there’s actual damage). If there’s little to no damage to either car, just your number is fine. If the owner is actually committed enough to call you, be friendly. Dealing with insurance can be a hassle – you may consider offering to pay for a carwash or s scratch removal product as an amicable way to settle the situation.
If there is significant damage that can’t be buffed out, leave your insurance information with them from the beginning to speed up the process. Worried about an increase in your insurance? Don’t be. If your rates increase because of a parking lot bump, it will be small, and is a far better option than fleeing the scene, which can get you a $1000 fine and up to 6 months in jail!
More details:
What do you do if you hit a parked car? No matter how careful you are, accidents like this are bound to happen, especially in a crowded or busy parking lot. And on top of that, accidentally hitting a parked car, whose driver isn’t around, can cause you a lot of stress.
Hitting a parked car and leaving the scene seems tempting but the consequences of doing that are serious; you could face up to $1,000 as a fine, up to 3 years of informal probation and up to 6 months in county jail, according to Californian state laws. And even if you get away with no one seeing, you can’t afford that bad car karma. So what should you do if you hit a parked car? Do you have to drop what you’re doing, set up a hammock in a nearby tree, and wait it out? In most cases, there a few common guidelines you should follow.

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